Friday, January 17, 2014

The shade of someone else's shadow.

Model, the mold, the example, a replicated positive entity; yet all we are is what we aspire to be.

There are so many expectations that we are predisposed to believing is our burden and our responsibility that we sometimes never leave room for spontaneity.

We are a culture posed to walk the previous line, to mind our manners, respect our predecessors, pay our dues, and for what exactly?

 Lead by example, but whose? It sounds like slaughterhouse mentality of our individuality. This is not a revolt, this is not a revolution against anything other than the process itself, and before I carry on further... I love rules, I'm no anarchist, but I don't desire a future where my impact is the shade of someone else's shadow.

This is not a shot at those that taught us, because I know the regret of their finalized decision, but this is a plea to ourselves to allow the disappointment from their eyes to fall unabashed.

We owe it to ourselves to be the best, to be genuine, and unconventional... They taught us that much, but they are our reigns to take.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bet you didn't see that coming.

Unexpected conclusions are what? Surprises? Outcomes that we never foresaw? What is it about these experiences that makes us giddy as a child, jubilated, humble, and even embarrassed?

Throughout life we get tossed the proverbial curve ball. An unfamiliar circumstance, some that force us to make decisions, others are made for us, but regardless they are events that catch us off guard.

I began recollecting the ones in my life and concluded that they were actually life altering. Most things have a certain pattern of predictably to them or at least are habitual to an extent and they can be gauged by frequency and quantity, but these rare turn of events are quite amazing. I am unexplainably grateful for these happenings and would not be the same without them.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Get busy living...

Recollecting past times is often an amusing way to catch up with friends, but nostaglia is a dangerous drug. We get caught up reliving years gone by that we fail to make the current time just as memorable.

What if each time we gathered it was a fresh experience? What if the old times weren't the best of times? What if they are yet to come, and here we are huddled together swooning over something that is pale by comparison... We have sixty five thousand square miles to discover and we've just begun! Carpe diem indeed my friends. We only die once.

Monday, January 13, 2014

How do we learn?

What do we learn more from, disappointment or success? In the beginning we plot and plan, formulate and attempt an execution of it. The success of the attempt gives us a measurement, and we reformulate or tweak to correct the mistakes that we made.

Is this the learning curve or when we finally have the finished product and move on the next venture are we then able to say that it was the most valuable? Does the sense of accomplishment and pride or just completion for some, now alter the way or style to which we learn?

 I know both are large factors but I want to quantify which actually has the greatest impact. Perhaps the blog itself will serve this purpose.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Hope. It is the one defining fabric that drives us to the often impossible. Some cling to it, others plan feverishly to never have to need it, but when we all have to have it, our own last resort, we embrace it. Even at the ridiculous, like in the line at the grocery store, I hope I picked the short one, or approaching the light hoping it will not change to red, and least not forget hoping that we left enough time to clock in on-time. It's an amazing thing we do on a daily basis. Is it all just poor planning or are we that desperate?

After all, they are just words...

I often thought of the internet, MySpace, and blogging as a means of selfishness. This has carried on for decades now. It was a means of throwing one's opinion, perspective, or legacy out for display. Like a glorifed popularity event counting counters and checking comments was or is their life. Being a introvert doesn't help with this line of thinking, but it has changed over the last few days.  Before I carry on further, please, those of you who I know prior to this post, please don't think I think less or have thought less of you. You are the most important people in this world, I was generalizing and have to exclude you.

Finally something clicked and said what if no one knows it's you... To keep your anonymity and set free the words. After all, they are just words, but I struggle with that because those words are my thoughts, they are my voice, and I don't share. So who is more selfish?

This was the conundrum I woke up to and glared at as a challenge. With my shield of only a select few knowing who this is, and my shroud of otherwise complete anonymity, it will allow me the liberty to let go of the pent up, garbled randomness and share. I'm not sure how many will care to share garbled randomness... My next question is, with the seven billion people that are in this world, how many of us have thought the same thing?

Friday, January 10, 2014


To all of those that I do not know, I want to tell you something, and to all of those I do know; I hope you already know that I love you all. But to those that my eyes have never been permitted to see let me say: I wish you peace, uninterrupted peace that knows no time, that knows no limitations, and is the most welcoming warmth that imaginations can only create. And in this peace, I wish you love. Love unbridled, uncontrollable, untamable so that you may share it with the world you know, and to those that know not your name or face. This love is the love of humanity; the love that one should share with one another because they too know what it is to love and to be loved. I envision the world with people like you that do and know of love. I know you all will find a way to share this with the world and when the time is right the world will know peace and love simultaneously. When that day is upon you smile and give it back, for it is too great a gift to keep solely.

And no... I'm not a Bob Dylan fan...

To explain

Ideas are as they say contagious, however, if it is not in the capacity for the one being entertained by it, or it is not compelling, then they are but words in the wind.


Change with positive purpose is the idea that progress will be made to improve a process, product, or person.

My Quote, my mark

Simplicity is the most complex.

Easily enough said...So...

 I will make my mark on this world, but I will choose the ink.

Less than, Greater than, or Equal to?

Judgment is flawed. It is bias and one sided. There is no singular that can encompass without being the one on trial. Sights and smells, actions and reactions, emotions and lack there of, the sheer timing of it all; never replicated no matter the conditions, yet the committed, the dedicated, and the honest will truely attempt to understand, and that is all we can muster, nothing more.

The unexpected

We gape in awe, with wonder and amazement as we repeat our own mistakes; yet never pausing to question why the retreading of our steps, and only to find ourselves still standing in old footprints.
Expectations, the aftermath of assumption when compared to previous experiences, or promises.


Peace of mind, solace, not emptiness, but serenity. An equilibrium of harmony perfectly tailored and balanced to ones accord with clarity, Happiness.


Complaining is as simple as drawing a breath; finding a compliment, is while the room is aflame.

More time

Understanding is the forgoing of your time to empathize the situation. The acknowledgement of that is merely the beginning. How well you let go of yourself and place your mind to that side determines the depth of your understanding.

Ideas of thought and cognitives

This could be the beginning or ... the ramblings of a young man finding a path.

Only through consciousness of our insignificance does one learn the stark reality of humility.