Sunday, March 02, 2014

Last Chance

Desperation is a foul, under-minding circumstance that corners even the most resilient. The exhausting of all options, both virtuous and reckless without regard for any one thing other than personal salvation, leads to poor results. The hungry, the tired, the meek, the broken, the powerless, and the weak all stare down the nostrils of desperation.
Beauty can still be found in this type of dire episode, the acknowledgement of one’s own mental, and the choice. Some find the courage, to grab it by the horns, and some take the horns in writhing pain. When those that want nothing more to do with losing and sacrificing have had their fill, they seize the horns, glare at the beast with determination, and find a conclusion that weighs heavier to their favor. Then we have those that do not know what the bottom looks like. They have not wallowed in the torment, or tasted the bitterness that comes with every bite, or even smelled the misery that will make them convulse as they are forced to bathe in it.

Both will learn from this result, those that grab will refuse to ever position themselves that way again, and those that were speared will suffer until they find the gumption to confront their cowardice. The choice in this is the most significant, the flash when the decision must be made, any decision, no decision, the right or wrong, but some action is required, immediately. What will we chose? These are some incredible glimpses of life.

When we gaze down and see our feet at this juncture, what choice will we make? Will we chose to be a matador, or to submit and take the horns, or will we wait until the choice is made for us?